I read a quote by Stuart Wilde that makes you stop and think. Always ask yourself, when selling your idea or product; How high is my energy level on _________ subject. Here is his quote, "The key to success is to raise your own energy. When you do, people will naturally be attracted to you. And, when they show up, bill them!
High energy is attractive, but you cannot fake it. You must know what idea or product you are selling inside and out with all the benefits and you convey that excitement while asking questions. The questions, with excitement, will convey to the client that you have what they need, not that they need what you have. Features and benefits are all good, but if you go through your long launduary list of features and benefits, you are just doing a presentation. Questions, with the finding the concerns of the client and then your excitement of being able to help them is what you bill them for. Solve their problem, not yours.
Jerry W. Williams