Monday, October 1, 2012

Top 10 Reasons Referral Marketing is So Effective

By Howard Partridge  - 7 Secrets of a Phenomenal L.I.F.E.

Definition of ReferralMarketing: “The process of building a network of sources that will refer multiple clients to your business.”

Top 10 Reasons Referral Marketing is So Effective

1.       Your Network is unlimited – As you begin to build relationships with powerful referral sources and you get your clients to refer you, the network continues to grow with no end in sight.

2.       Higher Quality Clients - Since Mercedes Clients seek out a referral, you get higher quality clients just from being a “referral based.” Referred clients usually don’t even ask about price. They are more concerned about quality than price.

3.       Pre-Qualified Clients- By education your referral sources, your prospective clients will be pre-qualified; therefore, they will already know you charge more.

4.       People Trust Referrals- Wouldn’t you agree that referrals already have a level of trust for you? Sure they do. They trust you because the person they trust knows you.

5.       Reduces Competition- With referral marketing, you are no longer fighting for the best ad placement, or getting copied. Relationships are hard to duplicate.

6.       Low Cost- With the right referral marketing system, you won’t spend money on expensive advertising. The cost is very low for referral marketing. Even with a Referral Reward Program (which I highly recommend), the cost is still extremely low compared to most advertising.

7.       High Returns- The returns can potentially be huge. In many industries a 4-to-1 return on investment on advertising dollars would be outstanding. In other words, if you invested $1,000.00 in advertising, you would get an average of $4,000.00 in return. With referral marketing, if you pay a 10% referral reward and everyone cashes in on it, you will have a 10-to-1 return. In my reward program, /I get a 20-to-1 return.

8.       Returns Guaranteed- With a referral reward, you don’t pay it until after the product or service is paid for. With traditional advertising, you put your money on the line and Hope for a return.

9.       Small Time Investment- The biggest objection I get to referral marketing is “time.” See reason #10 to overcome that challenge.

10.   EXPO-NEN-TIAL MULTIPLICATION!! – …If you can invest just 30 minutes per day calling on powerful referral sources ( companies that are in a position to refer you on a regular basis), do think it is possible to generate just $1,5000.00 in new referrals in a one-month period? Not too difficult for most small businesses.

To find out more about how to use a referral system in your business join us for the (Zig) Ziglar Born to Win Business Growth Workshop October 4th, in Columbus, GA. The Author, Howard Partridge and Tom Ziglar will teach this and much more! Business Growth Workshop information on $97.00 with a money back guarantee if not satisfied.